Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On the 4th Day of Christmas...

What a great Christmas it was! A little (well actually a pretty long) recap!

It began with The Christmas Cantata. Immanuel's first attempt at a cantata with a back up cd accompaniment! Wow! Lot's of work, but wonderful results! Thank you chancel choir, Praise Choir and Joyful Noise! Your hard work really showed and was so appreciated! Will we do one again? Why not join us and see...

Children's Sunday School program came next. Great as usual, and a big thank you to Jennie for writing the program and to Janice for handling the music end of things. Janice really impresses me with her ability to get so many of the kids involved, and to get them sounding so good, with so little time! Great job everyone!

Christmas Eve was of course a whirlwind of awesome worship services! Thank you to the Praise Choir for leading us in singing at the 4:30 service, What a great way to start the afternoon. Special thanks to Kevin and Scott for accompanying Silent Night on guitars ( I think there is no better way to play that song!) A very special thanks to 7th grader, Elyse for sharing her "O Holy Night". So beautiful, and especially beautiful when the Joyful Noise children's choir joined in- I'm not sure there was a dry eye in the house! Thank you Joyful Noise!

After 4:30 service I headed over to Sanctuary, for their 7:30 service. Even now as I recall this time of worship I am getting weepy (in a good way!). The atmosphere created by the sacred space team, and all the volunteers and the musicians,and the worshipers... such a peaceful place to greet our newborn Savior. Thank you to the band who pulled practically 3-adays to preprare. I loved working with you, and look forward to doing it again. Thank you to my choir of two-Charlotte and Anne-you were great! Thank you to the sound guys who put up with us musicians, (well, who put up with me anyway). And a very special thank you to the transportation people. Without you...well. we wouldn't know what to do, you are the best!

I wrapped up my Christmas Eve back at Immanuel at the tail end of the 10:00pm service. Thank you to Dean and the chancel choir members for helping with one of the best traditions of the night... the singing of the carols at the end. For those of you not familiar- come next year- okay, let me give you a little hint... At the very end of the service the chancel choir files down the isles and sings along on carol after carol until the last person is ushered out of the church. Many people just stay in the narthex singing along until the very last song. My favorite!

Since Sunday was only 2 days after Christmas, we continued the Christmas celebration by singing carols during worship this past Sunday the 27th- very nice. Especially nice was the musical additions at the 10:00 service by some of our junior high students. Amanda and Alyssa sang the first verse of The First Noel- Great job girls! Ben and Elyse reprised their "Who Could Imagine a King" from the children's Christmas program. Very lovely once again! Thank you all!

Whew!! A whirlwind! But so worth it, as together we worshiped and together we shared the wonderful message of Christmas!

May the joy of Jesus' birth be with you throughout the year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Time is Here!

Immanuel/Sanctuary Music Notes- Dec (the newsletter for all Immanuel/Sanctuary musicians and friends)

Christmas time is here!

Yes it is! And with it comes plenty of musical opportunities and offerings at Immanuel and Sanctuary. Send me an email if you would like to join in the fun or help out in any way.

Two musical offerings for you:

Peter Mayer concert- at Immanuel- this Sat Dec 5th at 7pm. You can find ticket info here: (www.ilcdg.org) This concert would be a great start to your Christmas season. You won't be disappointed!

Immanuel Choirs Christmas Cantata- Wed Dec 9th at 7pm. This year Immanuel's choirs are joining together to perform a collection of Christmas favorites. We will be doing this 40 minute program in place of our regular Advent service time. This years program has been both fun and challenging for us to prepare, and it would be great to have our fellow musicians out to prepare your hearts for Christmas with us.


Some Opportunities to serve:

Sanctuary1010 Christmas Choir- I am putting together a choir for Sanctuary's Christmas Eve service. The Sanctuary service this year will be at 8:30pm. We will have practices at 7:30 on the following Monday's Dec 7th, 14th and 21st. If you are planning on attending Sanctuary's Christmas eve service, why not join in the choir? We would love to have you! Pass the word around, invite someone who you know likes to sing, to join you! We need at least 10 people for this choir. Hope you will join us!

Sanctuary Christmas Band-

A few musicians are needed to help round out the band for Christmas eve. Percussion, bass and acoustic guitar. Also my yearly question? Does anyone have a set of vibes or bells you would be willing to transport for the occasion! ;)

Immanuel Praise Choir-

Immanuel's Praise Choir will be preparing a piece to sing at the 4:30 service on Christmas Eve at Immanuel. If you are planning on attending this service, and would like to sing, Why not join us for practice on Thursday Dec 17th at 7pm. All are welcome!

If you are interested in any of the above opportunities to serve,
please send me an email! Thanks!


Times to Worship

Have you joined the Advent Conspiracy? We are in a great Advent Series at Immanuel and Sanctuary. check out the worship times and themes:

at Immanuel: www.ilcdg.org

at Sanctuary: www.sanctuary1010.org


In Closing

This Christmas season I pray that we as musicians serving in the church, are able to play music that is transparent in its message and delivery, and that the life changing message in Jesus and His birth are played and sung so that all can hear!

This Christmas season, I also pray for you all individually, that in this busy time you are able to keep your focus on The Light of the World!

Many of us, even more so during the holidays, find ourselves going through difficult, restless and stressful times. Could we all pray for each other this month? Pray that we can rest in the knowledge that baby Jesus brings everlasting Peace into this un-peaceful world!

Christmas time is here!
