On this the 7th day of Christmas, I wanted to share with you a beautiful arrangement of "I heard the Bells on Christmas Day" by folk musician John Gorka. I heard this arrangement many years ago on a Windham Hill compilation Christmas album, and have looked forward to hearing it every Christmas since. I think the melody, harmonies and delivery really speak the words of the song Enjoy!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
risen with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by,
born that we no more may die,
born to raise us from the earth,
born to give us second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the new born King!"
I was reading up on these lovely words from the well loved Christmas Hymn by Charles Wesley, and found an interesting persepective on this imagry from a sermon given by a Rev Peter Edwards of the Malvern Priory, United Kingdom. Click here to go to the Priory's website, read and enjoy.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I can't help but being so thankful, on a daily basis, for the wonderful musicians that I have the opportunity to work with at Immanuel and Sanctuary! What a blessing it is to our congregation to have such a faithful, dedicated, and talented group of volunteers. You are all, so appreciated. Thank You, Thank You!
Here are a few great pics from just today, of one of our bands at Santuary- The 4D's. They have now added a keyboard player, who's name begins with M, so I suppose they are now the 4 D's and an M! Credit for the photos goes to another of our volunteers musicians/sound guys- Jake Burgy
Here are a few great pics from just today, of one of our bands at Santuary- The 4D's. They have now added a keyboard player, who's name begins with M, so I suppose they are now the 4 D's and an M! Credit for the photos goes to another of our volunteers musicians/sound guys- Jake Burgy
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Recently I drove by what seems to be the smallest church I have ever seen in the area. (please note when you view the Google map that the church is the very tiny white square, not the big buildings, which are actually townhouses, along side of it)
View Larger Map
A tiny wooden chapel that looks about the size of my kitchen, I smiled as I read the message on the sign out front- Southern Gospel Concert- Free! All are welcome. Aww how nice, I thought, as small as they are still trying, reaching out, opening their doors. I imagined 'the board' of all 90 somethings, sitting around the meeting table discussing how they could reach out to the community, and coming to the conclusion that the Southern Gospel concert was the best route! Praise God for churches like them!
As I come to the home stretch of my first semester back to college in some 18 years or so, I have been becoming more and more aware of how small I am. One of the first reminders came when I had my first organ group lesson. Now, I came to college fully aware that an organist I am not. I mean I can make do, but I am surely what I (and my organ teacher) would consider a beginner on the instrument. But still, I have been playing, and filling in here and there for years so surely I could play as well as at least some of the students half my age. uh...no. As each student got up to play, each one better then the next, I sank deeper into the pew i was sitting in. Thankfully I was spared, when my teacher didn't call my name to play in front of the group. Phew- did i dodge that one!
I wasn't so lucky at my voice group lesson just a couple weeks back. A case of stage fright like I have never experienced got the best of me, at this, very friendly, very laid back gathering. Again I was in awe of the talent and confidence in this group of college students, but as the evening of amazing voices wore on, I felt like I wanted to shrink into the background, or better yet just quietly sneak out of the room. When it was finally my turn to get up to sing, I did my best, never once looking up from my book, kind of like a toddler covering his eyes ("you can't see me, you can't see me"!)
Yah, I've been feeling kinda small lately, but even though I might be feeling like that, I know something that is much more important. I may be small, but I am not insignificant. There will always be someone far more talented then me, but God uses the talents I have, and expects that I use these talents that He has given to me- for His glory. I am so blessed to be among the many musically talented people at my work at Immanuel and now in addition, the college students and amazing professors at Concordia. I am blessed because no matter where we 'stack up' talent wise our lives are just so darn significant to the plan that God has for this world!
Back to the. smallest. church. ever. I decided to check them out online... maybe not all 90 somethings around 'that board' table (although that wouldn't be a bad thing). They have a new Youth director, a young pastor and family, women's and youth ministries, fall festival, and on and on. What do ya know? Maybe not so small after all!
View Larger Map
A tiny wooden chapel that looks about the size of my kitchen, I smiled as I read the message on the sign out front- Southern Gospel Concert- Free! All are welcome. Aww how nice, I thought, as small as they are still trying, reaching out, opening their doors. I imagined 'the board' of all 90 somethings, sitting around the meeting table discussing how they could reach out to the community, and coming to the conclusion that the Southern Gospel concert was the best route! Praise God for churches like them!
As I come to the home stretch of my first semester back to college in some 18 years or so, I have been becoming more and more aware of how small I am. One of the first reminders came when I had my first organ group lesson. Now, I came to college fully aware that an organist I am not. I mean I can make do, but I am surely what I (and my organ teacher) would consider a beginner on the instrument. But still, I have been playing, and filling in here and there for years so surely I could play as well as at least some of the students half my age. uh...no. As each student got up to play, each one better then the next, I sank deeper into the pew i was sitting in. Thankfully I was spared, when my teacher didn't call my name to play in front of the group. Phew- did i dodge that one!
I wasn't so lucky at my voice group lesson just a couple weeks back. A case of stage fright like I have never experienced got the best of me, at this, very friendly, very laid back gathering. Again I was in awe of the talent and confidence in this group of college students, but as the evening of amazing voices wore on, I felt like I wanted to shrink into the background, or better yet just quietly sneak out of the room. When it was finally my turn to get up to sing, I did my best, never once looking up from my book, kind of like a toddler covering his eyes ("you can't see me, you can't see me"!)
Yah, I've been feeling kinda small lately, but even though I might be feeling like that, I know something that is much more important. I may be small, but I am not insignificant. There will always be someone far more talented then me, but God uses the talents I have, and expects that I use these talents that He has given to me- for His glory. I am so blessed to be among the many musically talented people at my work at Immanuel and now in addition, the college students and amazing professors at Concordia. I am blessed because no matter where we 'stack up' talent wise our lives are just so darn significant to the plan that God has for this world!
Back to the. smallest. church. ever. I decided to check them out online... maybe not all 90 somethings around 'that board' table (although that wouldn't be a bad thing). They have a new Youth director, a young pastor and family, women's and youth ministries, fall festival, and on and on. What do ya know? Maybe not so small after all!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Immanuel/Sanctuary Music News Sept 2010
The following is the September addition of the bi-monthly "e-newsletter" that I send out to current, former, and prospective music volunteers and music friends of Immanuel and Sanctuary1010.
I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of Fall! This season is always a reminder to me of back-to-school, and learning, and new pencils, and the smell of crayons, and fresh notebooks, and clean slates!
As many of you know, this year's back to school time, has special significance for me, as I have decided to begin the process of finishing my bachelors degree after a nearly 20 year absence.
I wanted to share with you, and fill you in with a little background of why this is so meaningful to me.
I began college the first time, at Concordia, in Seward Ne, as a kinda naive, pretty immature, 17 year old. I entered the Lutheran music education program, and sailed through all of my music classes. I couldn't wait to get to those classes, and would stay up all night working on compositions, and other music homework. I loved it, and my professors were encouraging and supportive.
The rest of college for me, was unfortunately, much more difficult. My college years were a very dark time for me personally. The choices I made did not reflect the person I wanted to be. Ultimately the choices I made, and the things I did, resulted in me not being able to finish the degree I had dreamed about.
Today I thank God that he pulled me out of the dangerous depths that I found myself in during college when I was young. I thank God for His beautiful grace and loving forgiveness. I thank God, that I have been able to find work serving the church with music, almost from the day I left college. I thank God that he blessed me with two beautiful children that changed my life. And I thank God that he has led me to this time and place, and these circumstances, that will allow to me to finally finish the college degree I never stopped dreaming about.
I am now taking classes as a junior in college at Concordia University, Chicago (its actually in River Forest) I am a Music Major, and am also seeking a Director of Parish Music certificate. I should be able to graduate in about 3 years!
In the four short weeks since I began college (again), I have already learned so much, and I am so excited about sharing it all with you! (just tell me to be quiet if I talk to much about it!) It is my prayer that this education will give me more tools, and more knowledge, and more skills to help me to be the best servant of God that I can be. It is also my prayer that I will be able to use what I learn to be better at what I do as Music Director at Immanuel/Sanctuary. I hope to be more of a help to all of you, and more of a resource for the congregation.
I am so excited about what the future holds for us and the music program at Immanuel/Sanctuary! Great things are happening every week! The talent and dedication we have in all of you, is unprecedented in churches our size. Every Sunday, peoples' lives are being changed as they hear the message of God's love in the songs that we sing and play. No education is needed to know that you all, and the time that you give, are the ones that are making these great things happen.
As always, and I don't tell you enough... Thank You! Thank You for your support towards me. Most of all, thank you all for all the things I learn from you on a weekly basis, you have been my 'college' for my last 13 years working here at Immanuel! I pray that we can all keep learning from each other! Please feel free to call me at any time with any questions or anything at all, and please keep sharing all your knowledge with me! :)
I'd love to hear some live music with you!
Nathan Fisher has started a new band called Indeed and has quite a few shows lined up. There is one THIS Friday Oct 1 at 9pm
McBrody's Bar and Grill
73 W. Jefferson St.
Joliet IL, 60432
You can check out Indeed here at their Myspace Page
let me know if you want to car pool! Also let me know if you hear of another show (secular, sacred,classical, professional, open mic) whatever! that you would like to get a group together for.
I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful fall weather!
Immanuel/Sanctuary Music News September 2010
Hello!I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of Fall! This season is always a reminder to me of back-to-school, and learning, and new pencils, and the smell of crayons, and fresh notebooks, and clean slates!
As many of you know, this year's back to school time, has special significance for me, as I have decided to begin the process of finishing my bachelors degree after a nearly 20 year absence.
I wanted to share with you, and fill you in with a little background of why this is so meaningful to me.
I began college the first time, at Concordia, in Seward Ne, as a kinda naive, pretty immature, 17 year old. I entered the Lutheran music education program, and sailed through all of my music classes. I couldn't wait to get to those classes, and would stay up all night working on compositions, and other music homework. I loved it, and my professors were encouraging and supportive.
The rest of college for me, was unfortunately, much more difficult. My college years were a very dark time for me personally. The choices I made did not reflect the person I wanted to be. Ultimately the choices I made, and the things I did, resulted in me not being able to finish the degree I had dreamed about.
Today I thank God that he pulled me out of the dangerous depths that I found myself in during college when I was young. I thank God for His beautiful grace and loving forgiveness. I thank God, that I have been able to find work serving the church with music, almost from the day I left college. I thank God that he blessed me with two beautiful children that changed my life. And I thank God that he has led me to this time and place, and these circumstances, that will allow to me to finally finish the college degree I never stopped dreaming about.
I am now taking classes as a junior in college at Concordia University, Chicago (its actually in River Forest) I am a Music Major, and am also seeking a Director of Parish Music certificate. I should be able to graduate in about 3 years!
In the four short weeks since I began college (again), I have already learned so much, and I am so excited about sharing it all with you! (just tell me to be quiet if I talk to much about it!) It is my prayer that this education will give me more tools, and more knowledge, and more skills to help me to be the best servant of God that I can be. It is also my prayer that I will be able to use what I learn to be better at what I do as Music Director at Immanuel/Sanctuary. I hope to be more of a help to all of you, and more of a resource for the congregation.
I am so excited about what the future holds for us and the music program at Immanuel/Sanctuary! Great things are happening every week! The talent and dedication we have in all of you, is unprecedented in churches our size. Every Sunday, peoples' lives are being changed as they hear the message of God's love in the songs that we sing and play. No education is needed to know that you all, and the time that you give, are the ones that are making these great things happen.
As always, and I don't tell you enough... Thank You! Thank You for your support towards me. Most of all, thank you all for all the things I learn from you on a weekly basis, you have been my 'college' for my last 13 years working here at Immanuel! I pray that we can all keep learning from each other! Please feel free to call me at any time with any questions or anything at all, and please keep sharing all your knowledge with me! :)
I'd love to hear some live music with you!
Nathan Fisher has started a new band called Indeed and has quite a few shows lined up. There is one THIS Friday Oct 1 at 9pm
McBrody's Bar and Grill
73 W. Jefferson St.
Joliet IL, 60432
You can check out Indeed here at their Myspace Page
let me know if you want to car pool! Also let me know if you hear of another show (secular, sacred,classical, professional, open mic) whatever! that you would like to get a group together for.
I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful fall weather!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Beyond A Mighty Fortress
Here is a neat little resource for those of you interested in learning a little bit more about the musical heritage of the Lutheran Church from the 16th-20th century! (I'm only a week and half in to school, just wait!)
Thrivent Financial put this out- here is a little description from their website- be sure to notice the last sentence.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has created "Celebrating the Musical Heritage of the Lutheran Church"- a compilation of five CDs, an interactive CD-ROM and a 50-page booklet highlighting the music of Lutherans from the 16th through the 20th centuries. The collection was provided by Thrivent Financial to Lutheran congregations and select institutions. It is no longer available.
Yeh, you heard it, the resource is no longer available but you can access much of its information including audio clips of muisc and interviews, organized in an easy to use fashion, at the website right here:
Musical Heritage Of the Lutheran Church
Thrivent Financial put this out- here is a little description from their website- be sure to notice the last sentence.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has created "Celebrating the Musical Heritage of the Lutheran Church"- a compilation of five CDs, an interactive CD-ROM and a 50-page booklet highlighting the music of Lutherans from the 16th through the 20th centuries. The collection was provided by Thrivent Financial to Lutheran congregations and select institutions. It is no longer available.
Yeh, you heard it, the resource is no longer available but you can access much of its information including audio clips of muisc and interviews, organized in an easy to use fashion, at the website right here:
Musical Heritage Of the Lutheran Church
Sunday, September 5, 2010
patting my stomach while rubbing my head
So, yesterday was the last day, of the first week of of my return to college after an eighteen year absence. Phew!. The first day is almost a blur, as this almost (but not quite) 40, woman, walked around campus, with everything I could possibly need pouring out of my way too heavy backpack. With my schedule in my pocket, and my classroom number locations printed carefully on the palm of my hand, where I could not lose them, I found each of my classes, AND managed to be on time!
By mid-week I felt like an old pro, well for sure old. One of my home work assignments was to sing the do-re-mi song from Sound of Music (my favorite musical) using Solfege. (solfege is the use of syllables-do, re, mi, etc, in the sight singing process). Okay, okay, it goes kinda like this... sing it with me now
Do re mi do mi do mi
re mi fa fa mi re fa
mi fa sol mi sol mi sol
fa sol la la sol fa la
so do re mi fa so la
la re mi fa sol la ti
ti mi fa so la ti do
do ti la fa ti so do!
Yeah, that took me awhile to figure out, now I can't sing a song without thinking of it in solfege!
In the very same class the professor sent us home with the task of practicing conducting with our right hand, while, tapping eighth notes with our left hand, while sight reading... while using that darn solfege. All I can say is, there is a reason college students usually are in the 18-23 range! Younger, quicker minds...
Slow mind or not, I am excited about the school year ahead, excited about using what I learn right away in my work at church, excited about being a good example to my teenage boys. I love to learn, and there is so much out there to learn. Here we go!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Take a look at this incredible footage that was captured of a lightning strike in Chicago recently. The image is slowed down 2 times to allow us to really see the beauty. The music in the video accompanies the majesty perfectly.
PS.the music is by Sufjan Stevens, from his album, Illinois. I just referred to Sufjan in a post, two Fridays ago right here
PS.the music is by Sufjan Stevens, from his album, Illinois. I just referred to Sufjan in a post, two Fridays ago right here
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Great is thy Faithfulness
Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960) lived most of his life with illnesses that left him bed-ridden. When he wasn't ill he would work many odd jobs, just to make ends meet. At the age of 27 he found faith, and began writing poems expressing his faith. One of those poems- Great is Thy Faithfulness, expressed his belief that God was faithful in his life even in the darkest times.
Sometimes it takes a re-listen of a hymn to remember its strength. Take a listen to this re-arrangement of this familiar hymn . Fernando Ortega's tender rendition brings about the lyrics, even more than the original. melody. Enjoy.
Sometimes it takes a re-listen of a hymn to remember its strength. Take a listen to this re-arrangement of this familiar hymn . Fernando Ortega's tender rendition brings about the lyrics, even more than the original. melody. Enjoy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I Love Hymns
Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE HYMNS. The depth of the lyrics, the melodies that seems to match the tone of every verse, the sound of people singing them with gusto. A well written hymn is a thing of beauty. Note I said- a well written hymn. Not all are so. There are plenty that I personally don't care for. And that's okay. That said...
Recently a guest pastor at our church chose a hymn I was not too familiar with. I silently moaned and groaned about its dirge like qualities while I practiced it for the Sat night service. Then during the service a funny thing happened, we sang the hymn, and during it my heart began to soften. The congregation joined in easily, the reverent quality of the melody came through (no more 'dirgyness'!). During the sermon, pastor mentioned the hymn and why he chose it and how it fit the gospel lesson for the day, and my heart softened even more. Although I won't list the hymn in my super favorite hymn list, I will now, never forget it, its strong Easter message, and powerful Easter melody.
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands,
For our offenses given;
But now at God’s right hand He stands,
And brings us life from Heaven.
Wherefore let us joyful be,
And sing to God right thankfully
Loud songs of Alleluia! Alleluia!
No son of man could conquer Death,
Such mischief sin had wrought us,
For innocence dwelt not on earth,
And therefore Death had brought us
Into thralldom from of old
And ever grew more strong and bold
And kept us in his bondage. Alleluia!
But Jesus Christ, God’s only Son,
To our low state descended,
The cause of Death He has undone,
His power forever ended,
Ruined all his right and claim
And left him nothing but the name,
His sting is lost forever. Alleluia!
Words: Martin Luther
Recently a guest pastor at our church chose a hymn I was not too familiar with. I silently moaned and groaned about its dirge like qualities while I practiced it for the Sat night service. Then during the service a funny thing happened, we sang the hymn, and during it my heart began to soften. The congregation joined in easily, the reverent quality of the melody came through (no more 'dirgyness'!). During the sermon, pastor mentioned the hymn and why he chose it and how it fit the gospel lesson for the day, and my heart softened even more. Although I won't list the hymn in my super favorite hymn list, I will now, never forget it, its strong Easter message, and powerful Easter melody.
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands,
For our offenses given;
But now at God’s right hand He stands,
And brings us life from Heaven.
Wherefore let us joyful be,
And sing to God right thankfully
Loud songs of Alleluia! Alleluia!
No son of man could conquer Death,
Such mischief sin had wrought us,
For innocence dwelt not on earth,
And therefore Death had brought us
Into thralldom from of old
And ever grew more strong and bold
And kept us in his bondage. Alleluia!
But Jesus Christ, God’s only Son,
To our low state descended,
The cause of Death He has undone,
His power forever ended,
Ruined all his right and claim
And left him nothing but the name,
His sting is lost forever. Alleluia!
Words: Martin Luther
I Love Hymns (part 2)
My real purpose in posting about hymns today, was so I could share this version of "Be Thou My Vision". How I love a hymn re-do. Especially one that is faithful to the text, and tone of the original.
Here is one of my favorites by Dave Bazan who happens to be playing at a Green Music Fest in chicago on Sun June 27
Here is one of my favorites by Dave Bazan who happens to be playing at a Green Music Fest in chicago on Sun June 27
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday Night Lights!
Tonight I get to watch one of my favorite television shows. Friday Night Lights is probably the best TV show you are probably not currently watching. If you haven't watched it...put the past seasons in your Netflix queue! Now!
I was initially attracted to the show by the music throughout, much of which is composed by a band out of Texas- Explosions in the Sky. I liked the music so much I went out and bought me some tickets to see them in concert.
The excellent music in Friday Night Lights begins with the opening credits. The theme song is written by a Snuffy Walden, long time television composer, with numerous compilations put out by Windham Hill. In this short piece, Mr. Snuffy, seems to be able to illicit emotions ranging from melancholy to thoughtfulness to joy...in 45 seconds! Oh to be able to write like that!
Just like many other current shows, Friday Night Lights also employs the use of a variety of other music to create the soundtracks on a week to week basis. A couple weeks ago I was surprised to hear another favorite artist of mine Sufjan Stevens used in the closing scenes. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing-
I love this very raw, live version of it, listen to the crowd singing along!
Check out Friday Night Lights tonight!
I was initially attracted to the show by the music throughout, much of which is composed by a band out of Texas- Explosions in the Sky. I liked the music so much I went out and bought me some tickets to see them in concert.
The excellent music in Friday Night Lights begins with the opening credits. The theme song is written by a Snuffy Walden, long time television composer, with numerous compilations put out by Windham Hill. In this short piece, Mr. Snuffy, seems to be able to illicit emotions ranging from melancholy to thoughtfulness to joy...in 45 seconds! Oh to be able to write like that!
Just like many other current shows, Friday Night Lights also employs the use of a variety of other music to create the soundtracks on a week to week basis. A couple weeks ago I was surprised to hear another favorite artist of mine Sufjan Stevens used in the closing scenes. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing-
I love this very raw, live version of it, listen to the crowd singing along!
Check out Friday Night Lights tonight!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Immanuel/Sanctuary Music News June 2010
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1
Happy Summer Everyone! I love summer for its built in slower pace, and at the same time it’s overwhelming possibilities! Go outside! Enjoy!
More than ever I am in awe of, and so thankful for of all those that serve currently, in the past, or are still considering serving in our music ministry at Immanuel/Sanctuary I thank you! I thank you for being dedicated to creating and playing music for our worship services that is heart felt, authentic, honest, creative, God focused and Christ Centered. Beautiful Worship!
Now- may I challenge you? How can we, in this Summer of Mission, not only celebrate worship inside, but live our worship outside? And how, more specifically, can we do this in a Music context? How can Immanuel and Sanctuary have more of a missional music ministry?
A Music Filled Summer of Mission!!
Here are some musical, missional ideas to try this summer!Have more ideas? Please share them here! Once you've tried some of these ideas, come back and share them too!
Invite a group of friends to a Concert in the Park
Invite some fellow musician friends over to your house for a musical “jam session”
Invite a neighbor child to Immanuel’s Sing Praise! Choir Camp Aug 2-6th
Go listen to, and show support for local musicians playing at a local venue
Create and record a cd of original songs to give out to people
Volunteer for Immanuel’s Tuesday Night Concert Information Booth
Give music lessons to a friend
Invite a friend to join the choir with you (hint: our Praise Choir continues to meet throughout the summer)
Start a Band, or vocal trio, or string quartet … book some gigs!
Go to the piano recital of a friend
Sponsor a concert at Immanuel
Host a bbQ at your house for you neighbors- play some really great music!
Go meet a friend at a local festival- enjoy the music (and food) together
Help Record original music to share on our websites
Invite a musician friend to join one of our musical groups at Immanuel or Sanctuary
Go to a parade- cheer for the marching bands
Share Psalms, hymns and Spiritual Songs
Now here is the thing- these are now just ideas, you have ideas too I’m sure. The key is now to make them more than ideas… go for them! As much as I would like to help with them all, I can’t. So if you are interested in something- go for it! :)Upcoming stuff
Outdoor concerts- free!
From Fishel Park to Millennium Park to every festival in between, there is a whole bunch of awesome free music going on this summer. Wanna go? Let me know!
Sound Workshop (Musician help needed!) Saturday August 21 at 10am. We will be working to set up, label, and semi-standardize our soundboard set up- Dustin Griesmann will be helping out with this. We will go through a standard band set up and sound check for both Immanuel 10:00 and Sanctuary. I will need a full band- bass, electric, acoustic, keys, drums, 3 vocalists at this workshop. Please let me know if you would be available to help out with this. The Immanuel set up will be done first that day, so I would also like the Praise Choir there at 10:30am.
More help needed- We are in need of musicians at both Immanuel and Sanctuary. Do you have any friends who might be interested? What about yourself? Let me know. We are currently praying for additional Bass players, drummers, rhythm guitar players and keyboardist. Additional instruments are of course always welcome too…harmonica, cello, upright bass, accordion, fiddle, mandolin etc. Please pray about these needs.
All Musician Picnic- Lets. Get. Together. Would someone like to host an Immanuel/Sanctuary picnic this summer? Let me know as soon as possible!
Looking ahead- on Sunday September 5th in the evening, Immanuel will be hosting a Block Party. I would love to have a band playing a family friendly mix of oldies and what not, at this event. Are you interested in being a part of such band? What about organizing such a band? Putting together an evening of music would require some work, and additional practice time, please let me know as soon as possible about your interest!
Blessings on this summer of overwhelming missional opportunities!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mom's Day!
One of the things I look forward to every year, is our special tradition of having our children's choir join with their moms and grandmas to sing a special song on Mother's Day. What a wonderful memory this can be for the families, and what a joy it is for the congregation to see and hear the kids and their moms and grandmas lift their voices together.
I usually arrange the song so that the kids sing a verse by themselves, the moms sing a verse by themselves, and then they join together.
I usually arrange the song so that the kids sing a verse by themselves, the moms sing a verse by themselves, and then they join together.
Friday, May 7, 2010
New music Thursday
Hammock- Instrumental- sound track for our lives- post rock- love!
Marc Byrd and Andrew Thompson make up this duo. I do believe Marc Byrd wrote the well know contemporay worship song "God of Wonders". It appears they have a new record coming out on May 18, along with a book of photos. Check them out! http://www.hammockmusic.com/
Marc Byrd and Andrew Thompson make up this duo. I do believe Marc Byrd wrote the well know contemporay worship song "God of Wonders". It appears they have a new record coming out on May 18, along with a book of photos. Check them out! http://www.hammockmusic.com/
Hammock - Breathturn from David Altobelli on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
new Music Thursday!
So I'm a day late on my New Music Wednesday Post, that I just started last week, it's pretty new, so I'll call it New Music Thursday this week! Disclaimer about the music that I will post on here in the future- it is new to me. it may not be new "on the scene". Just new to me, and posted here for your enjoyment!
So here we go! I'm really enjoying this song Refuge by the folks over at Sojourn Music. Sojourn is a worship community in KY that produce a lot of great music! Check out their music page and blog here
Their latest record is one based on hymns written by Issac Watts ( a famous hymn writer- Joy to the World, When I survey the wondrous Cross- who lived from 1674-1748)
Love this song Refuge(adapted from "Psalm 31, pt 1) Here is a snippet!
So here we go! I'm really enjoying this song Refuge by the folks over at Sojourn Music. Sojourn is a worship community in KY that produce a lot of great music! Check out their music page and blog here
Their latest record is one based on hymns written by Issac Watts ( a famous hymn writer- Joy to the World, When I survey the wondrous Cross- who lived from 1674-1748)
Love this song Refuge(adapted from "Psalm 31, pt 1) Here is a snippet!
I know my days are in Your hands though I draw near to dust.
You are the God in whom I trust.
You are my refuge.
So lift up your voice and sing a loud, and praise Him, all you saints.
How wondrous is His grace?
He is our refuge.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Good Shepherd Sunday
It was Good Shepherd Sunday this past week. Pastor Prohl gave a very comforting message about how Jesus continues to call our name, hold our hand and tell us how much he loves us. no matter how far we stray.
Pastor Prohl preached at both campuses this Sunday, so that meant as soon as he was done preaching the sermon at 10:00 he drove over to Sanctuary in Woodridge, preached there, drove back to Downers Grove to Immanuel and finished off the day preaching there for the 11:30
Vicar Lohman was at north campus helping out while Pastor Prohl was at Sanctuary. Vicar Lohman had is own running around today though, because I had asked him to sing lead for our worship band, so he was back and forth from the worship leader mic, and then up to the front of the church for the children's message, and then back over to the band area, and then back up front for prayers, and back and forth, back and forth. Fortunately he had a smile on his face the whole time, and was able to catch his breath enough to sing beautifully!
Speaking of singing beautifully , and playing beautifully, the band and choir sounded great today, and just shined on our song selections;
Glory to God Forever- a new one for us by Steve Fee- we like this one!
Take My Life/holiness
Shout to the Lord
Glorious by Paul Baloche- another favorite of ours!
You are Holy/prince of Peace
I am Free
In closing this morning- I would like to dedicate the following video to all the running around and back and forth our Pastor and Vicar did this Good Shepherd Sunday! Enjoy!
Pastor Prohl preached at both campuses this Sunday, so that meant as soon as he was done preaching the sermon at 10:00 he drove over to Sanctuary in Woodridge, preached there, drove back to Downers Grove to Immanuel and finished off the day preaching there for the 11:30
Vicar Lohman was at north campus helping out while Pastor Prohl was at Sanctuary. Vicar Lohman had is own running around today though, because I had asked him to sing lead for our worship band, so he was back and forth from the worship leader mic, and then up to the front of the church for the children's message, and then back over to the band area, and then back up front for prayers, and back and forth, back and forth. Fortunately he had a smile on his face the whole time, and was able to catch his breath enough to sing beautifully!
Speaking of singing beautifully , and playing beautifully, the band and choir sounded great today, and just shined on our song selections;
Glory to God Forever- a new one for us by Steve Fee- we like this one!
Take My Life/holiness
Shout to the Lord
Glorious by Paul Baloche- another favorite of ours!
You are Holy/prince of Peace
I am Free
In closing this morning- I would like to dedicate the following video to all the running around and back and forth our Pastor and Vicar did this Good Shepherd Sunday! Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Listen...Hear... "new" Music Wednesday
Thought I'd try something new, and attempt a weekly post of new music I find, and like, that you might like, so take a listen to Josh Garrels
"The Children's Song" - Josh Garrels from Josh Garrels on Vimeo.
"The Children's Song" - Josh Garrels from Josh Garrels on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Not by might, nor by Power!
Today at Sanctuary Pastor James preached his STRONG sermon. Wanna know what I mean? Check out the sermon recording at www.ilcdg.org
I really appreciated Pastor James' message that strength in our belief and faith in the resurrected Jesus, comes not from what we can do, but from how the Holy Spirit works within us.
I really enjoyed putting the music together for today, and was looking forward to singing with Pastor James, who has an unusually amazing voice for a Pastor (not to mention a pastor who can lift a lot of weight during a service! see STRONG sermon above)
Rather than our 'typical' opening worship set, we saved the music to be used as a response after the message. We sang Hillsong's Stronger after the message. I thought it fit well with the message, and I was feeling pretty good about everything when, bam! My 10 year old, always reliable, Roland keyboard stopped working. This was particularly eventful because it was a piano only Sunday, so there was no other instruments, and not a harmonica or accordion in sight! My old faithful then proceeded to cut in and out throughout the song, losing power and then gaining power and back and forth. Despite our valiant efforts (Don literally sitting in front of the keyboard holding the power cord in place, the keyboard (and its electrical power) failed us.
We proceeded through the service singing the rest of the songs A Cappella
I know My Redeemer Lives (the beloved Easter hymn)
In Christ Alone by the Getty's
I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin
I'm not sure Pastor James and I sounded all that great without the comfort of the piano behind us but it was a beautiful, beautiful thing hearing the congregation sing despite lack of accompaniment. A beautiful, Spirit led thing!
Check out what other churches sang this past week right here
Today at Sanctuary Pastor James preached his STRONG sermon. Wanna know what I mean? Check out the sermon recording at www.ilcdg.org
I really appreciated Pastor James' message that strength in our belief and faith in the resurrected Jesus, comes not from what we can do, but from how the Holy Spirit works within us.
I really enjoyed putting the music together for today, and was looking forward to singing with Pastor James, who has an unusually amazing voice for a Pastor (not to mention a pastor who can lift a lot of weight during a service! see STRONG sermon above)
Rather than our 'typical' opening worship set, we saved the music to be used as a response after the message. We sang Hillsong's Stronger after the message. I thought it fit well with the message, and I was feeling pretty good about everything when, bam! My 10 year old, always reliable, Roland keyboard stopped working. This was particularly eventful because it was a piano only Sunday, so there was no other instruments, and not a harmonica or accordion in sight! My old faithful then proceeded to cut in and out throughout the song, losing power and then gaining power and back and forth. Despite our valiant efforts (Don literally sitting in front of the keyboard holding the power cord in place, the keyboard (and its electrical power) failed us.
We proceeded through the service singing the rest of the songs A Cappella
I know My Redeemer Lives (the beloved Easter hymn)
In Christ Alone by the Getty's
I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin
I'm not sure Pastor James and I sounded all that great without the comfort of the piano behind us but it was a beautiful, beautiful thing hearing the congregation sing despite lack of accompaniment. A beautiful, Spirit led thing!
Check out what other churches sang this past week right here
Monday, April 5, 2010
ok so something is up with my blog
Has anyone been watching Celebrity Apprentice? Rod Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois is one of the celebrities, well should I say one of the celebrities until he got voted off last week. Why did he get voted off? Basically for not being able to use a computer or a cell phone. He is not technologically gifted. In the least. How did he manage as governor of Illinois not knowing how to send an email, I have no idea, but I feel his pain. Although I know how to send a text message to my kids, I am behind in every other technological gadget. Now my latest issue is with this blog, for some reason it is only showing 1 post, and none of my additional information in the sidebar. So i post this in the hopes it is just a one time thing and everything will go back to normal. If you actually have a reasonable solution that makes sense please let me know!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!
Beautiful weather on this Beautiful Easter Day!
I had the pleasure of worshiping this morning at the 10:30 service, with a convergence of familiar hymns led by organ, handbells and brass, and upbeat worship songs led by our praise band, choir and children's choir- ps the children's choir absolutely shined! The church was packed with the family of God as we all sang our hearts out this Easter morning.
The songs we sang:
I had the pleasure of worshiping this morning at the 10:30 service, with a convergence of familiar hymns led by organ, handbells and brass, and upbeat worship songs led by our praise band, choir and children's choir- ps the children's choir absolutely shined! The church was packed with the family of God as we all sang our hearts out this Easter morning.
The songs we sang:
My Redeemer Lives- I know he rescued my soul!
A New Hallelujah- Every son, and every daughter, sing it out sing a New Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ is Risen Today (great arrangement by Cynthia Dobrinski)- Alleluia!
All the Earth Will sing Your Praises- You took, You take our sins away O God!
Jesus Lives the Victory's Won- This shall be my confidence!
The Wonder of Your Cross- He is Not Dead Behold He Lives Forever More!
Now all the Vault of Heaven Resounds- Christ is Triumphed! He is Living! Alleluia!
Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone- I've been set Free!
I Know that my Redeemer Lives(classic arrangement by Paul Bunjes)
He Lives Eternally to Save!
A New Hallelujah- Every son, and every daughter, sing it out sing a New Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ is Risen Today (great arrangement by Cynthia Dobrinski)- Alleluia!
All the Earth Will sing Your Praises- You took, You take our sins away O God!
Jesus Lives the Victory's Won- This shall be my confidence!
The Wonder of Your Cross- He is Not Dead Behold He Lives Forever More!
Now all the Vault of Heaven Resounds- Christ is Triumphed! He is Living! Alleluia!
Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone- I've been set Free!
I Know that my Redeemer Lives(classic arrangement by Paul Bunjes)
He Lives Eternally to Save!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My Song is Love Unknown
My song is Love unknown- my Savior’s Love for me. Love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be. Oh who am I, that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh and die?
Lyrics by Samuel Crossman c. 1624-83
I grew up with the 1941 Lutheran Hymnal we called “the Red Hymnal” (it also came in blue). As someone who loved to sing, I never grew tired of the hymns on those pages. My friends and I would sit together in church and sing loudly , and harmonize, and worship. It wasn’t long before I knew exactly what pages all of my favorite hymns were on! Open now Thy Gates of beauty- hymn #1- On What Has now been Sown hymn # 46 were just some of them.
During those same years of childhood I was introduced to a ‘new’ kind of music as well. We sang it accompanied by acoustic guitars during Sunday school, and vacation Bible School, and Church Camp. I loved it, not more or less then the hymns in our worn out hymnals, just loved it. The intimacy of just voices and guitar, and the more personal and vertical (directed from us to God) lyrics allowed a feeling of being, close to God, in a more personal relationship. Songs like; Sing Hallelujah to the Lord, For Those Tears I Died, Father I Adore You.
Today I have the blessing of being able to worship on an every week basis, at a service using solely hymns and traditional styles of liturgy, a service that is more ‘laid-back’ with a blended contemporary style with songs and more modern styles of liturgy, and a service that embraces the use of the old and new, freely moving from ancient liturgy and hymns to Taize, and modern songs of worship.
Each style of worship moves me in the same way. I leave church knowing that God loves me. My favorite part of worship? hearing about that love, proclaiming what I know about that love, and responding to that love in song. I love hearing the voices sing together as one, knowing our many different backgrounds and stories, but still singing… still singing together. A hymn, a Psalm, a spiritual song- it doesn’t matter as long as it proclaims the truth, and is sung and played in an authentic, honest, and passionate way.
Thank you to the volunteer musicians at Immanuel and Sanctuary for helping to proclaim God’s truth in song every week!
PS- share your favorite church songs and/or hymns from when your were growing up! I would love to hear about them!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
So Much Love for Haiti!

It was a beautiful Valentines Day! Wonderful music and a community gathered together to love and support the people of Haiti!
Thank you to the over 40 volunteers that baked, set up, took down, cleaned up, handed out programs, directed traffic, took video, folded programs, secured donations, passed out posters, and on and on!
Thank you to the musicians who shared their gifts of talent and time, we were so moved and inspired by your music!

Thank you to:
I especially want to thank the people who attended the concert, those who purchased tickets and were there in spirit, those who spread the word to neighbors, coworkers and friends, and those that prayed for the success of the concert!
With out you there would have not been an event
Because of you, so far, the Heart for Haiti Benefit has raised over $5000.00 for Haiti Mission Project! Thank you God!
Stay tuned to future posts with updates and more pics!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Heart for Haiti continued...
Here is a beautifully written blog by a women named Joanna. Joanna is serving in Haiti right now, and is connected to the co-sponsor of our Heart for Haiti concert; Haiti Mission Project
Check it out! : http://lovingonemore.com/
Check it out! : http://lovingonemore.com/
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Heart for Haiti- Benefit Concert

Our dear friend Mia will be sharing her love of Haiti through her beautiful music and testimony. Mia, who now lives in Arizona has been a wonderful presence at Immanuel over the years. Helping out with music at the 10:00 service, at Sanctuary, women's retreats, and worship seminars, and sharing her passion for worship and love for Jesus along the way!
In addition, Paris Delane will be joining us. Paris - a singer-songwriter - and recording artist was born and raised in Chicago, and has since been involved in and toured around the world with a variety of musical groups over the years. Paris has an incredible seven octave vocal range, and an even more incredible passion for the hurting and suffering in our world, including the people of Haiti!
Along with Mia and Paris will be our friend Nathan Fisher. Nathan, who is now music director at Sanctuary in Manhattan Illinois, helped launch and then continued to serve at our Sanctuary1010 ministry for the last 6 years!
Rounding out the musical afternoon will be our very own worship band, from Sanctuary- The 4-D's!

I hope you will join us for this benefit concert. All proceeds will go directly to needs in Haiti through our co-sponsor Haiti Mission Project
Tickets are available in advance in the church office at Immanuel for $10, And will be available at the door for $15
Friday, January 15, 2010
Original at Immanuel
Ooh I love it when our wonderful musicians at Immanuel and Sanctuary write original music for worship.
Here is one Frank wrote for our series on Psalm 23 that actually made it on to YouTube:
Thank you Frank for sharing your gift of music with us at Immanuel!
Here is one Frank wrote for our series on Psalm 23 that actually made it on to YouTube:
Thank you Frank for sharing your gift of music with us at Immanuel!
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