Friday, June 25, 2010


Take a look at this incredible footage that was captured of a lightning strike in Chicago recently.   The image is slowed down 2 times to allow us to really see the beauty.  The music in the video accompanies the majesty perfectly.

 PS.the  music is by Sufjan Stevens, from his album, Illinois.  I just referred to Sufjan in a post, two Fridays ago right here

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Great is thy Faithfulness

 Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960)  lived most of his life with illnesses that left him bed-ridden.  When he wasn't ill he would work many odd jobs, just to make ends meet.  At the age of 27 he found faith, and began writing poems expressing his faith.  One of those poems-  Great is Thy Faithfulness, expressed his belief that God was faithful in his life even in the darkest times.

Sometimes it takes a re-listen of a hymn to remember its strength.  Take a listen to this re-arrangement of this familiar hymn .  Fernando Ortega's tender rendition brings about the lyrics, even more than the original. melody.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I Love Hymns

Anyone who knows me, knows that  I LOVE HYMNS.  The depth of the lyrics, the melodies that seems to match the tone of every verse, the sound of people singing them with gusto.  A well written hymn is a thing of beauty.  Note I said- a well written hymn.  Not all are so. There are plenty that I personally don't care for.  And that's okay.  That said...
  Recently a guest pastor at our church chose a hymn I was not too familiar with.  I silently moaned and groaned about its dirge like qualities while I practiced it for the Sat night service.  Then during the service a funny thing happened, we sang the hymn, and during it my heart began to soften.  The congregation joined in easily, the reverent quality of the melody came through (no more 'dirgyness'!).  During the sermon, pastor mentioned the hymn and why he chose it and how it fit the gospel lesson for the day, and my heart softened even more.  Although I won't list the hymn in my super favorite hymn list, I will now, never forget it, its strong Easter message, and powerful Easter melody.

Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands,
For our offenses given;
But now at God’s right hand He stands,
And brings us life from Heaven.
Wherefore let us joyful be,
And sing to God right thankfully
Loud songs of Alleluia! Alleluia!
No son of man could conquer Death,
Such mischief sin had wrought us,
For innocence dwelt not on earth,
And therefore Death had brought us
Into thralldom from of old
And ever grew more strong and bold
And kept us in his bondage. Alleluia!

But Jesus Christ, God’s only Son,
To our low state descended,
The cause of Death He has undone,
His power forever ended,
Ruined all his right and claim
And left him nothing but the name,
His sting is lost forever. Alleluia!

Words:  Martin Luther

I Love Hymns (part 2)

My real purpose in posting about hymns today, was so I could share this version of  "Be Thou My Vision".  How I love a hymn re-do.  Especially one that is faithful to the text, and tone of the original.

Here is one of my favorites by Dave Bazan who happens to be playing at a Green Music Fest in chicago on Sun June 27

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Night Lights!

Tonight I get to watch one of my favorite television shows.  Friday Night Lights is probably the best TV show you are probably not currently watching.  If you haven't watched it...put the past seasons in your Netflix queue! Now!

I was initially attracted to the show by the music throughout, much of which is composed by a band out of Texas- Explosions in the Sky.  I liked the music so much I went out and bought me some tickets to see them in concert. 

The excellent music in Friday Night Lights begins with the opening credits.  The theme song is written by a Snuffy Walden, long time television composer, with numerous compilations put out by Windham Hill. In this short piece, Mr. Snuffy, seems to be able to illicit emotions ranging from melancholy to thoughtfulness to 45 seconds!  Oh to be able to write like that!

Just like many other current shows, Friday Night Lights also employs the use of  a variety of other music to create the soundtracks on a week to week basis.  A couple weeks ago I was surprised to hear another favorite artist of mine Sufjan Stevens used in the closing scenes.  Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing-
I love this very raw, live version of it, listen to the crowd singing along!

Check out Friday Night Lights tonight!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Immanuel/Sanctuary Music News June 2010

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1

Happy Summer Everyone! I love summer for its built in slower pace, and at the same time it’s overwhelming possibilities! Go outside!  Enjoy!

More than ever I am in awe of, and so thankful for of all those that serve currently, in the past, or are still considering serving in our music ministry at Immanuel/Sanctuary I thank you! I thank you for being dedicated to creating and playing music for our worship services that is heart felt, authentic, honest, creative, God focused and Christ Centered. Beautiful Worship!

Now- may I challenge you? How can we, in this Summer of Mission, not only celebrate worship inside, but live our worship outside? And how, more specifically, can we do this in a Music context? How can Immanuel and Sanctuary have more of a missional music ministry?

A Music Filled Summer of Mission!!
Here are some musical, missional ideas to try this summer!
Have more ideas? Please share them here!  Once you've tried some of these ideas, come back and share them too!

Invite a group of friends to a Concert in the Park
Invite some fellow musician friends over to your house for a musical “jam session”
Invite a neighbor child to Immanuel’s Sing Praise! Choir Camp Aug 2-6th
Go listen to, and show support for local musicians playing at a local venue
Create and record a cd of original songs to give out to people
Volunteer for Immanuel’s Tuesday Night Concert Information Booth
Give music lessons to a friend
Invite a friend to join the choir with you (hint: our Praise Choir continues to meet throughout the summer)
Start a Band, or vocal trio, or string quartet … book some gigs!
Go to the piano recital of a friend
Sponsor a concert at Immanuel
Host a bbQ at your house for you neighbors- play some really great music!
Go meet a friend at a local festival- enjoy the music (and food) together
Help Record original music to share on our websites
Invite a musician friend to join one of our musical groups at Immanuel or Sanctuary
Go to a parade- cheer for the marching bands
Share Psalms, hymns and Spiritual Songs
Now here is the thing- these are now just ideas, you have ideas too I’m sure. The key is now to make them more than ideas… go for them! As much as I would like to help with them all, I can’t. So if you are interested in something- go for it!  :)

Upcoming stuff
Outdoor concerts- free!
From Fishel Park to Millennium Park to every festival in between, there is a whole bunch of awesome free music going on this summer. Wanna go? Let me know!

Sound Workshop (Musician help needed!) Saturday August 21 at 10am. We will be working to set up, label, and semi-standardize our soundboard set up- Dustin Griesmann will be helping out with this. We will go through a standard band set up and sound check for both Immanuel 10:00 and Sanctuary. I will need a full band- bass, electric, acoustic, keys, drums, 3 vocalists at this workshop. Please let me know if you would be available to help out with this. The Immanuel set up will be done first that day, so I would also like the Praise Choir there at 10:30am.
More help needed- We are in need of musicians at both Immanuel and Sanctuary. Do you have any friends who might be interested? What about yourself? Let me know. We are currently praying for additional Bass players, drummers, rhythm guitar players and keyboardist. Additional instruments are of course always welcome too…harmonica, cello, upright bass, accordion, fiddle, mandolin etc. Please pray about these needs.

All Musician Picnic- Lets. Get. Together. Would someone like to host an Immanuel/Sanctuary picnic this summer? Let me know as soon as possible!

Looking ahead- on Sunday September 5th in the evening, Immanuel will be hosting a Block Party. I would love to have a band playing a family friendly mix of oldies and what not, at this event. Are you interested in being a part of such band? What about organizing such a band? Putting together an evening of music would require some work, and additional practice time, please let me know as soon as possible about your interest!

Blessings on this summer of overwhelming missional opportunities!
