10:00 worship-
Kristin worship led, with Kevin and Scott on guitar, and our wonderful field worker from Concordia, Stacy on keys. Frank was not there this week... (he is a faithful musician playing 50 weeks out of the year) We missed you Frank :)
Opening set:
Hope of the Nations by Brian Doerksen- in G
Mighty to Save- in G
confession and absolution
Mighty to Save- Chorus only
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (hymn) in A using an arrangement I wrote
Alleluia - yes the old Alleluia by Jerry Sinclair- in A
In Christ Alone
Notes: Love to use the song Alleluia occasionally, its beautiful, no one has to look at the words, or even know the song, they just sing from their hearts, 2 years old to 103, simple worship
Sanctuary1010 worship

We didn't start our worship set until after the sermon, and then just continued it on through Face to Face, and through to the closing song. I really like that set up of the service, and it worked particularly well, because Pastor James started the service in a light hearted manner with a video from Vintage21 church, which was a satirical look at what some people thing Jesus is like, after which we had a 'mixer' of sorts breaking up into groups.
Mighty to Save- (no bridge) -in F
Same Power- (bridge only- there is actually more to this song, but CCLI only prints the notes to the bridge) in F
I Will Rise- In F
You are My King/Amazing Love- in C
I know That my Redeemer Live- in C ( I used a really nice version of "Jesus shall reign" (same melody) from the RUF hymnbook, and took it about 85 beats /min, very effective for those using hymns in their music rotation)
Jesus Paid it All- in C- Kristian Stanfill version, but adapted to piano only, more reflective but very moving
Notes- Good day- Especially great is the amount of Concordia students, 20% of our regular attendance who drive a good 40 minutes to get here every Sunday. I love, love, love their singing! They know most of the songs, and sing them from their hearts
I really liked the set using Mighty to Save in to Same Power- thank you to someone from the Fred McKinnon's Sunday Set List blog carnival, from whom I got the idea (it might have been Fred himself?)
I felt like that set worked well, and that people were really letting their guard down and doing some spontaneous worship during the instrumental breaks, but I started to think too much rather than let the Spirit move us, and I drew the medley to a close before I probably should have. Its amazing how each Sunday is different like that, and you never really know what to expect, reminding me that it really helps to be extra prepared in order to be able to freely go where God takes us in worship.
Awesome service! :) Love the old-school Alleluia tune- you're right no one has to look at words- great stuff
ReplyDeleteI don't think I know the old Alleluia tune..
sounds awesome though!
I like your point about being prepared. It's not that we rehearse, rehearse and rehearse so that we are flawless, but so that we are able and capable of going where the Lord wants us to go. So in order to do that we need to be prepared for the good things that the Lord has for us in worship and taking others along. When we are unprepared we miss out on what could have been. Good observation Missional Musician.