Music at 10:00
Ever since we started our contemporary service, nearly 12 years ago, the keyboard player has been the band leader, and has driven the worship music during the services. This has worked out well, but its been nice over the last couple years to dive into more and more guitar driven songs and arrangements. This past Sunday I purposely did not schedule myself on keys, and let this weeks band go, and go they did! They sounded great! I really enjoyed hearing their original sounds that they created, without me banging away at the keys, and directing, the arrangements. Great job Scott, Dan, Frank, Kevin, Gina and choir!
Theme Verse- I John 5:9-17
One Way- by Joel Houston ( This was the first time at 10:00 for this song. I like the song, more for the great lyrics, and cool bridge, then anything. It sounded really nice in worship, but no matter how hard we try, this song always ends up sounding like a country song, rather than how Hillsong United problem though, lots of people love country! :) )
Call to Worship
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
You Are Holy Prince of Peace (hey! the guys are really startin to sing their part on this one! Woo hoo!)
After absolution
My Redeemer Lives (love, love, love the way the band sounds on this one)
During the offering
Jesus Loves Me- (yes, Jesus Loves me this I know for the bible tells me so!- the band did a great- hmm... countryish- arrangement of this song- awesome! the whole congregation was singing, and they rarely sing along on songs during the offering. nice.)
Lord Reign in Me
Notes- I scheduled myself at the sound board today, and really enjoyed it. Despite my limited knowledge of sound tech stuff, it's fun to be on the other side of everything, and I think its a good idea for all band (and choir members) to try it at some point or another.
Music at SANCTUARY1010
Don, Danny, Dustin, and Chris (welcome Chris!) a great new drummer, filling in for Dave, led worship at Sanctuary. Thanks guys!
Check out this link to planning center for this Sunday's set list.
This post is part of a blog carnival at Fred McKinnon's blog, check it out here to take a look at worship set lists from all around the world!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Greater things are still to be done
So, this years American Idol finale didn't have the finalists singing "Shout to the Lord" or any other of the current top ccli songs, but the winner, Kris Allen, most recently used his musical skill as worship leader at New Life Church in Conway Arkansas, a mega church in the suburbs of Little Rock. This church even has a link, on its website to some kind of voting party held for Kris on finale night, sponsored by someone giving out prizes including HD Tvs, to those who stayed and voted for Kris. Wow, sounds like a good deal!
I hope Kris does well in the music industry, he seems like "the guy next door", which is probably part of the reason he won the whole thing, people were able to connect to him, and relate to him in some way. He is in good company with many other American Idols and finalists, coming from Christian music backgrounds:
Just a few examples:
Chris Daughtry was in a Christian band called Absent Element
Mandisa ('member her?) has recorded 2 gospel albums
Chris Sligh was a worship leader and now has done very well recording and writing music in the Christian music industry
Jordin Sparks was a member of her church's worship team
and here's one I was surprised at- Phil Stacey was a music minister in the US Navy.
Take a look at this video of Kris Allen singing "God of this City" originally sung/written by Blue Tree, a band out of Ireland, and then covered by Chris Tomlin. I've really liked this song, and love the fact that THE American Idol is singing it!
I hope Kris does well in the music industry, he seems like "the guy next door", which is probably part of the reason he won the whole thing, people were able to connect to him, and relate to him in some way. He is in good company with many other American Idols and finalists, coming from Christian music backgrounds:
Just a few examples:
Chris Daughtry was in a Christian band called Absent Element
Mandisa ('member her?) has recorded 2 gospel albums
Chris Sligh was a worship leader and now has done very well recording and writing music in the Christian music industry
Jordin Sparks was a member of her church's worship team
and here's one I was surprised at- Phil Stacey was a music minister in the US Navy.
Take a look at this video of Kris Allen singing "God of this City" originally sung/written by Blue Tree, a band out of Ireland, and then covered by Chris Tomlin. I've really liked this song, and love the fact that THE American Idol is singing it!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Singing from the heart
Have you heard of Charice Pempengco, 17 years old, raised by a single mom in the Philippines, never had a voice lesson, vocal prodigy, sang on the Oprah show yesterday, and actually 2 other times before that? Feel what you want about Oprah, or the lyrics to the song, "Note to God" by Diane Warren, but this girl can sing, and not only sing, sing with passion. You can hear it in her voice, and see it in her eyes where tears threatened to pour out at any minute during her performance.
Part of me thinks she was probably a bit caught up in the moment, the swell of the music as the choir joined in with the full orchestra backing, the audience, and Oprah Winfrey herself, standing to their feet, tears falling, hands raising... I know I was, but either way, this girl can sing, sing with passion.
Check the YouTube video of the performance out here
(oops, sorry, it looks like the video was taken down for violating Harpo copyrights... too bad!)
Part of me thinks she was probably a bit caught up in the moment, the swell of the music as the choir joined in with the full orchestra backing, the audience, and Oprah Winfrey herself, standing to their feet, tears falling, hands raising... I know I was, but either way, this girl can sing, sing with passion.
Check the YouTube video of the performance out here
(oops, sorry, it looks like the video was taken down for violating Harpo copyrights... too bad!)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Music for Sunday May 17th
Today at both campuses we talked about stewardship. Money. A difficult subject sometimes, especially now in these hard economic times. I've struggled with my giving over the years, as a single mom, trying to make ends meet, it never seems that their will be enough at the end of the month. but every year on stewardship Sunday, I am renewed in my my desire to take further steps of faith, and to learn to trust God more.
10:00 music-
Our God Saves- the second week for introducing this song. We have been doing an arrangement pretty close to the Paul Baloche original, but it seems sooo long. otherwise, it went well.
Opening song-
Come Thou Fount/Come Thou King (C) - Our church loves to sing this song. I like it in C, rather than the original D for the vocals. There is nice arrangement at
Song after absolution-
Your Grace is Enough- another song our church loves to sing, We typically drop out the instruments on the chorus after a reprise of the pre-chorus, and the people really lift their voices. Awesome
Songs during communion-
You are my All in All- (in F, with modulation to G)
Mighty to Save (in G)
Take My Life (Chris Tomlin version)- we had a sololist- great job Kristin- sing this reflectively as the congregation prayed over their commitment cards, and brought them to the front.
Notes: I had the children's choir singing for the last time this season, they sang Love the Lord Your God ( by Linclon Brewster) and Lifesong (by Casting Crowns). They sounded great as usual. Thanks for a great year guys!
Sanctuary music
Nathan Fisher led music this Sunday. Nice mix of originals, and redone hymns., including my new favorite Nathan Fisher original "You uphold the weak" Can't wait until he does a recording of some sort so I can share.
Check out the service plan, at planning center online right HERE! :)
Want to read about more set lists from around the world? check out fred mckinnon's blog here
10:00 music-
Our God Saves- the second week for introducing this song. We have been doing an arrangement pretty close to the Paul Baloche original, but it seems sooo long. otherwise, it went well.
Opening song-
Come Thou Fount/Come Thou King (C) - Our church loves to sing this song. I like it in C, rather than the original D for the vocals. There is nice arrangement at
Song after absolution-
Your Grace is Enough- another song our church loves to sing, We typically drop out the instruments on the chorus after a reprise of the pre-chorus, and the people really lift their voices. Awesome
Songs during communion-
You are my All in All- (in F, with modulation to G)
Mighty to Save (in G)
Take My Life (Chris Tomlin version)- we had a sololist- great job Kristin- sing this reflectively as the congregation prayed over their commitment cards, and brought them to the front.
Notes: I had the children's choir singing for the last time this season, they sang Love the Lord Your God ( by Linclon Brewster) and Lifesong (by Casting Crowns). They sounded great as usual. Thanks for a great year guys!
Sanctuary music
Nathan Fisher led music this Sunday. Nice mix of originals, and redone hymns., including my new favorite Nathan Fisher original "You uphold the weak" Can't wait until he does a recording of some sort so I can share.
Check out the service plan, at planning center online right HERE! :)
Want to read about more set lists from around the world? check out fred mckinnon's blog here
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Concert a week- #10 ( I think its 10)

I've been looking forward to this concert since we picked a date for it, and put it the calendar. This past Friday May 15th at 7:30, in the beautiful setting of Immanuel's original sanctuary, Mia Koehne and Nathan Fisher led us in their original songs, honest testimonies, worship and singing.
I love, and am moved by the songs that pour from the hearts of these two musicians, many of which run through my head throughout the day-
"Jesus you save me from the grave..."
"there is nothing, I can do, to earn your love..."
"...lift your head up child...the Savior cries for you"
"You uphold the weak, help them stand, help them stand..."
Both Mia and Nathan have amazing musical skills, and voices that are pure and simple, yet full of passion. Although their musical styles are different, these musicians are more similar than not. Both have a vast knowledge of scripture, as well as a willingness to be authentic and open about their walks of faith, all of which is reflected wonderfully into their songwriting and performing.
I had the privilege of singing and playing piano with them for many of the songs, and it was such a joy! I really feel comfortable in a supporting role in a group, adding color and harmony as needed. I can't wait to play with them again!
We planned the concert, and advertised it as a "Worship Concert"... not sure if anyone reading the advertisements actually knew what that meant, but that's exactly what it was. The setting was that of an intimate worship space, quiet and reverent, comfortable and peaceful. What an awesome space for a concert, can't believe we've waited so long to have one in there!
Some of the songs were meant for reflection, while during others the audience was encouraged to sing along. I think we were all in awe as we listened to the audience joining together and singing out in that acoustically beautiful space. Praise to the Lord, Nothing but the Blood, I'll Fly Away, Amazing Grace, as well as on songs familiar and not so familiar written by Mia and Nathan.
The concert was certainly a blessing for the 3 of us, I pray that it was for those in attendance as well!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Music for Sunday May 10th
Music at 10:00
Continuing on with the series- walking in the light of.... This week: Walking in the light of victory, through obedience- I John 5
Our God Saves- (we introduced this for the first time at north campus, it went well. We did it in C, changing the low G's and A's to C's so the melody wouldn't go down too low. In D the chorus lands on a D so much, which is just not a comfortable note for women to sing for extended periods of time. Of course Paul Baloche has a cool guitar part... in D. I'm never as sensitive as I should probably be to cool guitar parts written in a certain key for a reason, because I'm not a guitar player.)
Call to Worship
I am Free
All the Earth will Sing Your Praises - (we did these two songs as a medley in E, reprising the verse and chorus of All the Earth after the confession and absolution time. With the tempo of these songs so similar, the medley worked well)
As for Me and My House- by Morris? Chapman- sung by the children's choir and their mom's and grandmothers- they sounded great! ( Having the kids joined by their mom's and grandmom's for mother's day has been a tradition of ours for about 10 years. Seeing/hearing them sing together is priceless. The song As for me and my House, is a perfect lyrical choice, although the verses get a little low, and may work best as a solo)
Jesus All for Jesus ( this song will never get old for me, as the lyrics are so powerful-)
Continuing on with the series- walking in the light of.... This week: Walking in the light of victory, through obedience- I John 5
Our God Saves- (we introduced this for the first time at north campus, it went well. We did it in C, changing the low G's and A's to C's so the melody wouldn't go down too low. In D the chorus lands on a D so much, which is just not a comfortable note for women to sing for extended periods of time. Of course Paul Baloche has a cool guitar part... in D. I'm never as sensitive as I should probably be to cool guitar parts written in a certain key for a reason, because I'm not a guitar player.)
Call to Worship
I am Free
All the Earth will Sing Your Praises - (we did these two songs as a medley in E, reprising the verse and chorus of All the Earth after the confession and absolution time. With the tempo of these songs so similar, the medley worked well)
As for Me and My House- by Morris? Chapman- sung by the children's choir and their mom's and grandmothers- they sounded great! ( Having the kids joined by their mom's and grandmom's for mother's day has been a tradition of ours for about 10 years. Seeing/hearing them sing together is priceless. The song As for me and my House, is a perfect lyrical choice, although the verses get a little low, and may work best as a solo)
Jesus All for Jesus ( this song will never get old for me, as the lyrics are so powerful-)
We sang this song as the closing song, after a message today from Pastor Hudson, that was personal, heartfelt, and meaningful to us all. Thank you Pastor Hudson for everything!
Sanctuary1010 music
Dan and Don took the reigns music wise at Sanctuary this Sunday
opening set-
Be Thou my Vision- in D (hymn)
Jesus All for Jesus- In D then going back into the last verse of Be Thou My Vision
after time of confession
Amazing Grace/ My Chains are Gone
Closing set
I Saw the Light
I'll Fly Away
( I printed these songs off in E for the guys, only because I am uber sensitive about songs being in a good range for the girls in the congregation, of course anyone who knows these songs knows that they are traditionally played in G, but the girls would have been squeaking!! Here's hoping Dan and Don didn't go with tradition! :) )
See here for the planning center outline
This post is part of a blog carnival at Fred McKinnon's blog, click here, to see worship set lists from all around the world!
Jesus all for Jesus, all I am and have and ever hope to be
All of my ambitions hopes and plans, I surrender all into your hands
For its only in your will that I am free
All of my ambitions hopes and plans, I surrender all into your hands
For its only in your will that I am free
Sanctuary1010 music
Dan and Don took the reigns music wise at Sanctuary this Sunday
opening set-
Be Thou my Vision- in D (hymn)
Jesus All for Jesus- In D then going back into the last verse of Be Thou My Vision
after time of confession
Amazing Grace/ My Chains are Gone
Closing set
I Saw the Light
I'll Fly Away
( I printed these songs off in E for the guys, only because I am uber sensitive about songs being in a good range for the girls in the congregation, of course anyone who knows these songs knows that they are traditionally played in G, but the girls would have been squeaking!! Here's hoping Dan and Don didn't go with tradition! :) )
See here for the planning center outline
This post is part of a blog carnival at Fred McKinnon's blog, click here, to see worship set lists from all around the world!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Music for Sunday May 3rd
Music at 10:00
Theme- Walking in the Light of Love
Opening worship
Blessed be Your Name- in A
Shout to the Lord- in A
after confession and absolution we reprised
Shout to the Lord (chorus only)
Songs during communion:
There is a Redeemer- in D by Keith and Melody Green (one of my very first favorite praise and worship songs, still a favorite)
You are my King/Amazing Love - in D
Make us one- (a nice ballad type/easy to sing/closer by Twila Paris- especially nice with a kids choir singing along. )
Music at Sanctuary
I was at Sanctuary this week and had the opportunity to sing with Pastor James AND Mia. Too awesome singers/worship leaders, so easy to work with, it makes it so easy to worship as we lead the congregation. Adding to the worship, were the college kids again singing from their hearts!
As the theme was Walking in the Light of God's Love, we started out with an extended worship set, giving the people the opportunity to experience God's love through the music.
Later on during Face to Face Mia shared a brand new song she wrote based on John 11, and Jesus weeping over Lazarus. umm this song is incredible, and as soon as she can record it, I would like to post it here for your enjoyment... so check back soon!
We then closed with another original by Mia, which I changed at the last minute from Hosanna (brooke fraser) The lyrics to Mia's song " O Lord your Love is all that I desire" really spoke to the congregation after the message of this service.
Please check out the service plan for Sanctuary, our 2nd site campus, from planning center online by clicking here
I am enjoying posting these set lists, and reading others from around the world at Fred Mckinnon's Blog- check it out here
Theme- Walking in the Light of Love
Opening worship
Blessed be Your Name- in A
Shout to the Lord- in A
after confession and absolution we reprised
Shout to the Lord (chorus only)
Songs during communion:
There is a Redeemer- in D by Keith and Melody Green (one of my very first favorite praise and worship songs, still a favorite)
You are my King/Amazing Love - in D
Make us one- (a nice ballad type/easy to sing/closer by Twila Paris- especially nice with a kids choir singing along. )
Music at Sanctuary
I was at Sanctuary this week and had the opportunity to sing with Pastor James AND Mia. Too awesome singers/worship leaders, so easy to work with, it makes it so easy to worship as we lead the congregation. Adding to the worship, were the college kids again singing from their hearts!
As the theme was Walking in the Light of God's Love, we started out with an extended worship set, giving the people the opportunity to experience God's love through the music.
Later on during Face to Face Mia shared a brand new song she wrote based on John 11, and Jesus weeping over Lazarus. umm this song is incredible, and as soon as she can record it, I would like to post it here for your enjoyment... so check back soon!
We then closed with another original by Mia, which I changed at the last minute from Hosanna (brooke fraser) The lyrics to Mia's song " O Lord your Love is all that I desire" really spoke to the congregation after the message of this service.
Please check out the service plan for Sanctuary, our 2nd site campus, from planning center online by clicking here
I am enjoying posting these set lists, and reading others from around the world at Fred Mckinnon's Blog- check it out here
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Music For Sunday April 26th
Okay I'm going to try to catch up with Sunday music posts- here is 2 weeks ago
Music at 10:00
Theme: Walking in the light of Hope
I played the piano with a full band and praise choir at 10:00 for this week- the PreSchool children sang a couple pieces so the church was wonderfully full.
We ended up reprising many of our Easter pieces- Its still Easter! Lots of fun was had
You are Holy/Prince of Peace
Opening worship
Alleluia, Alleluia- (fun Easter arrangement of joyful, joyful we adore thee from
My Redeemer Lives (never get old song by Reuben Morgan)
after confession and absolution
Jesus Paid it all- Kristian Stanfill version(The band loves to sing/play this one, the congregation seems to be catching on well)
During offering
Lord I lift your Name on High (old school I know, but I like to pull out simple, old favorites when we have a lot of kids in worship who might recognize some of the songs)
The Wonder of Your Cross
Quick notes- On You are Holy/Prince of Peace and Lord I lift your Name on High, I labeled certain sections men and women singing separately - here's hoping the men feel comfortable singing out by themselves!
Music at Sanctuary
Thanks Don for you service over at Sanctuary! You are appreciated more than you could know!
Click here for complete service plan for Sanctuary1010, our 2nd campus worship site, from Planning Center online
interested in other set lists from around the country check out Fred McKinnon's blog here
Music at 10:00
Theme: Walking in the light of Hope
I played the piano with a full band and praise choir at 10:00 for this week- the PreSchool children sang a couple pieces so the church was wonderfully full.
We ended up reprising many of our Easter pieces- Its still Easter! Lots of fun was had
You are Holy/Prince of Peace
Opening worship
Alleluia, Alleluia- (fun Easter arrangement of joyful, joyful we adore thee from
My Redeemer Lives (never get old song by Reuben Morgan)
after confession and absolution
Jesus Paid it all- Kristian Stanfill version(The band loves to sing/play this one, the congregation seems to be catching on well)
During offering
Lord I lift your Name on High (old school I know, but I like to pull out simple, old favorites when we have a lot of kids in worship who might recognize some of the songs)
The Wonder of Your Cross
Quick notes- On You are Holy/Prince of Peace and Lord I lift your Name on High, I labeled certain sections men and women singing separately - here's hoping the men feel comfortable singing out by themselves!
Music at Sanctuary
Thanks Don for you service over at Sanctuary! You are appreciated more than you could know!
Click here for complete service plan for Sanctuary1010, our 2nd campus worship site, from Planning Center online
interested in other set lists from around the country check out Fred McKinnon's blog here
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day of Rest
So, its been almost 15 days or so, since I last posted...boy am I behind! Two Sundays worth of set lists, and 3 concerts, I have a lot of work to. Saddest thing is, I just may have lost the 3 people who may be reading this. Come back... please.
My excuse? None really, except a need to rest my brain a bit from work/music stuff
People often talk of being able to "leave work at work". I'm pretty sure this happens less often then people would let on. Years ago I worked at the Dove Ice Cream Factory, simply moving ice cream bars coming down a conveyor belt at an angle, I was the "ice cream bar straightener" the best job I could get as a summer temp. Simple as this job was I would have Laverne and Shirley type nightmares at night when I got home from the 12 hour shifts. A major Snicker's Ice Cream Bar Jam up would be at the center of these "nightmares".
Now, although these nightmares are a thing of the past, I still have a hard time leaving work at work. Being in a creative field such as the one I am in, it's hard to put a schedule to creativity, and I admire those who are able to do this, (if you do this well, please share your tips)! No matter how hard I try, round about 9pm- 12am (the creativity starts to kick in) and of course this is not just Mon- Friday, but Saturday and Sunday too.
The word Sabbath comes from the word Shabbat, which means "to cease", or as I see it... rest the brain. My prayer is that we all, worship leaders, Sunday morning volunteers, Dove Ice Cream Factory workers, can take a look at our busy, busy lives, and find that day of rest, that time to sit and enjoy God's creation, and to hear His voice, a day of rest that God asks us, and wants us to have.
My excuse? None really, except a need to rest my brain a bit from work/music stuff
People often talk of being able to "leave work at work". I'm pretty sure this happens less often then people would let on. Years ago I worked at the Dove Ice Cream Factory, simply moving ice cream bars coming down a conveyor belt at an angle, I was the "ice cream bar straightener" the best job I could get as a summer temp. Simple as this job was I would have Laverne and Shirley type nightmares at night when I got home from the 12 hour shifts. A major Snicker's Ice Cream Bar Jam up would be at the center of these "nightmares".
Now, although these nightmares are a thing of the past, I still have a hard time leaving work at work. Being in a creative field such as the one I am in, it's hard to put a schedule to creativity, and I admire those who are able to do this, (if you do this well, please share your tips)! No matter how hard I try, round about 9pm- 12am (the creativity starts to kick in) and of course this is not just Mon- Friday, but Saturday and Sunday too.
The word Sabbath comes from the word Shabbat, which means "to cease", or as I see it... rest the brain. My prayer is that we all, worship leaders, Sunday morning volunteers, Dove Ice Cream Factory workers, can take a look at our busy, busy lives, and find that day of rest, that time to sit and enjoy God's creation, and to hear His voice, a day of rest that God asks us, and wants us to have.
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