I've been looking forward to this concert since we picked a date for it, and put it the calendar. This past Friday May 15th at 7:30, in the beautiful setting of Immanuel's original sanctuary, Mia Koehne and Nathan Fisher led us in their original songs, honest testimonies, worship and singing.
I love, and am moved by the songs that pour from the hearts of these two musicians, many of which run through my head throughout the day-
"Jesus you save me from the grave..."
"there is nothing, I can do, to earn your love..."
"...lift your head up child...the Savior cries for you"
"You uphold the weak, help them stand, help them stand..."
Both Mia and Nathan have amazing musical skills, and voices that are pure and simple, yet full of passion. Although their musical styles are different, these musicians are more similar than not. Both have a vast knowledge of scripture, as well as a willingness to be authentic and open about their walks of faith, all of which is reflected wonderfully into their songwriting and performing.
I had the privilege of singing and playing piano with them for many of the songs, and it was such a joy! I really feel comfortable in a supporting role in a group, adding color and harmony as needed. I can't wait to play with them again!
We planned the concert, and advertised it as a "Worship Concert"... not sure if anyone reading the advertisements actually knew what that meant, but that's exactly what it was. The setting was that of an intimate worship space, quiet and reverent, comfortable and peaceful. What an awesome space for a concert, can't believe we've waited so long to have one in there!
Some of the songs were meant for reflection, while during others the audience was encouraged to sing along. I think we were all in awe as we listened to the audience joining together and singing out in that acoustically beautiful space. Praise to the Lord, Nothing but the Blood, I'll Fly Away, Amazing Grace, as well as on songs familiar and not so familiar written by Mia and Nathan.
The concert was certainly a blessing for the 3 of us, I pray that it was for those in attendance as well!
You three were awesome and blend great together. Wonderful concert