Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Upcoming Good Suff!


Hello! I wanted to update you on a few of the music opportunities happening in and around Immanuel over the next 3 months. Let me know if you would like to be involved in any way. Also, please share with me any other ideas you might have for fellowship and/or outreach!

One thing I want to highlight this month, is the worship conference led by Nathan Fisher on Sat June 13th from 9am-3pm.

This would be a great conference for any of you to attend, especially if you would like to find out more about worship planning and leading in the emerging/postmodern context, as well as finding out a little more about the what/why/how we do what we do at Sanctuary1010.

At the conference there will be a mock Sanctuary worship service, along with a panel discussion. There will also be time for fellowship with other music and church leaders from the area. In the afternoon there will be some breakout sessions, each one highlighting an area of emerging worship planning.

I really encourage you all to join us. Please let me know if you would like me to sign you up, or you can go to Nathan's website, to RSVP to him. the deadline to sign up is June 8th (not June 1st as it says on the website). the sooner the better however, so we can plan accordingly.

Click here for Nathan's website

The registration is $20, but please let me know if this is prohibitive for you, and we will pick up the fee.

If your unable to attend and would prefer to volunteer in some way, there are a couple of opportunities to do so, again, let me know if you would like to help.

Immanuel Family Fun Fest- Saturday June 27th-11am-3pm

I am looking for a band/s, you may be in, or who you may know, who would like to play a set of music at our Family Fun Fest, which is held on the Saturday of Heritage Fest. The music should be fun and family friendly,

Let me know, if you or your band would like to perform that day, (time slots are open at this point!)

Update: One group has signed up! another is thinking about it. we are only missing YOUR group!

We will also need 1 or 2 people to help set up equipment and run sound that day. Let me know if that's you!

Cornerstone Music Festival- June 29th-July 4th


Once again, I am threatening to attend this christian music festival, for just one day, all day.
If you would like to join me and a few others for a trek to Bushnell, Illinois. Let me know.

Update: if I go, it will be on Wednesday July 1st, let me know of your interest!

Immanuel Vacation Bible School July 13th-17th 9am-1145am

Drop your kids off for fun, and stay to help out with the music. Come one day or all 5, we always love to have all sorts of singers and instrumentalists join us as we lead the kids in praise and worship through out the week. There is a place for you!

Update: we've got a good group started- YAY! but we still could use you!

PS: Do you have or know of kids who would like to attend this fun filled week? Click HERE for more info and a registration form

National Worship Leaders Conference- July 20-23rd Leawood, Kansas

This looks like a great conference, that I would love to go and take you all with me! Free it is not... :( I'm still dreaming about going myself, and if not this year, maybe next. Check out the details here, and let me know of your interest


update- this is still out of my reach financially, but a great looking conference none the less! Can't make it to this one? come to the LeadGracefully conference for an absolute fraction of the cost. (june 13th 9am-3pm at Immanuel)

Sing Praise Choir Camp- August 3-7th 1-4pm- a choir camp for 3rd -8th graders

Sing Praise Choir Camp is an excellent opportunity for 3rd- 8th graders to meet new friends, grow in their knowledge and abilities in singing, and become more confident and comfortable performing and on stage, all in a comfortable christian atmosphere.

Director Ellen Prohl has been involved in, and leading and teaching children's music for over 20 years and has enjoyed directing contemporary and children's music ministries at Immanuel for the last 12 years.

Last year, Janice McCrimmon and I led the first year of this camp, and it was a great success!

If you know any kids who might like to attend, hand em' a registration form. You can find more info or print off a form Here

Concerts, Concerts, Concerts

With the summer festivals almost upon us, there are numerous places to catch a free show! Let's get together! Shoot me an email, when you find something good, and I will spread the word

Musicians, musicians, musicians

The summer is a great time to invite new musicians into your band/group! Also, If you have an interest in playing or singing in a group this summer, let me know, and I will set up a time to meet with you, see where your skills and gifts are, and get you plugged in. Do you know someone who plays an instrument or sings, and needs a church home? Invite em! 9 out of 10 times they will be honored that you asked and say "yes!"

Praise God for all these awesome opportunities to serve Him!

Looking forward to hearing from you! And thank you to all of you who have already expressed interest in the above!

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