What a great Sunday we had last week at Sanctuary... Peter Mayer, an excellent singer-songwriter and professional guitar player joined us in leading the music. Sanctuary worship leader Nathan Fisher played along side him and it was great! Peter's music and humbleness fit so well in the service, and made for a worshipful morning. I especially enjoyed the acoustic sound and the amazing warm tone of his voice. Such a gift! Thank you Peter! Come back soon!

Most of the songs Peter shared you can find on his website right here
I really enjoyed:
Still in one piece
Pass it On (an original by Peter, not "...it only takes a spark!")
Mighty this Love
One of the songs he did was, I believe, a new one that he wrote for the National Lutheran Youth Gathering (ELCA) in New Orleans this summer, it was called Changed by Love- great tune! I couldn't find it on his website though...hopefully soon!
Additional stuff about Sunday
This morning we also showed a great video called Free Hugs, if you haven't seen it, check it out here
Our talented video technician Niki then took still images of the Free Hugs video and had them as backgrounds for the songs later. Nice!
Because we knew it was going to be a full crowd, we moved a station to down in the pit area of the worship space... with lamps, rugs, a prayer journal etc, it ended up being a very nice, peaceful space for prayer for anyone during the worship time. way to go art team!!
this post is part of a blog carnival where set lists from worship services all around the world are shared. check it out
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