Sunday, November 28, 2010


I can't help but being so thankful, on a daily basis, for the wonderful musicians that I have the opportunity to work with at Immanuel and Sanctuary!  What a blessing it is to our congregation to have such a faithful, dedicated, and talented group of volunteers.  You are all, so appreciated.  Thank You, Thank You!

Here are a few great pics from just today, of one of our bands at Santuary- The 4D's.  They have now added a keyboard player, who's name begins with M, so I suppose they are now the 4 D's and an M!  Credit for the photos goes to another of our volunteers musicians/sound guys- Jake Burgy

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Recently I drove by what seems to be the smallest church I have ever seen in the area. (please note when you view the Google map that the church is the very tiny white square, not the big buildings, which are actually townhouses, along side of it)

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 A tiny wooden chapel that looks about the size of my kitchen,  I smiled as I read the message on the sign out front- Southern Gospel Concert- Free!  All are welcome. Aww how nice, I thought, as small as they are still trying, reaching out, opening their doors.  I imagined 'the board' of all 90 somethings, sitting around the meeting table discussing how they could reach out to the community, and coming to the conclusion that the Southern Gospel concert was the best route!  Praise God for churches like them!

As I come to the home stretch of my first semester back to college in some 18 years or so, I have been becoming more and more aware of how small I am.  One of the first reminders came when I had my first organ group lesson.  Now, I came to college fully aware that an organist I am not. I mean I can make do, but I am surely what I (and my organ teacher) would consider a beginner on the instrument.  But still, I have been playing, and filling in here and there for years so surely I could play as well as at least some of the students half my age.  As each student got up to play, each one better then the next,  I sank deeper into the pew i was sitting in. Thankfully I was spared, when my teacher didn't call my name to play in front of the group.  Phew- did i dodge that one!

I wasn't so lucky at my voice group lesson just a couple weeks back.  A case of stage fright like I have never experienced got the best of me, at this, very friendly, very laid back gathering.  Again I was in awe of the talent and confidence in this group of college students, but as the evening of amazing voices wore on, I felt like I wanted to shrink into the background, or better yet just quietly sneak out of the room. When it was finally my turn to get up to sing, I did my best, never once looking up from my book, kind of like a toddler covering his eyes ("you can't see me, you can't see me"!)

Yah, I've been feeling kinda small lately, but even though I might be feeling like that, I know something that is much more important.  I may be small, but I am not insignificant.  There will always be someone far more talented then me, but God uses the talents I have, and expects that I use these talents that He has given to me- for His glory.  I am so blessed to be among the many musically talented people at my work at Immanuel and now in addition, the college students and amazing professors at Concordia.  I am blessed because no matter where we 'stack up' talent wise our lives are just so darn significant to the plan that God has for this world! 

Back to the. smallest. church. ever.  I decided to check them out online... maybe not all 90 somethings around 'that board' table (although that wouldn't be a bad thing).  They have a new Youth director, a young pastor and family, women's and youth ministries, fall festival, and on and on.  What do ya know?  Maybe not so small after all!