Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Music for Sunday October 11th

A little recap of the music from Sanctuary1010 this morning.

We are in our 4th week of an 11 week series of Psalm 23. This week: He Restores my Soul

Music choices:

What Wondrous Love is This- (we did this hymn in Dm and added an extended 'worship jam' at the end)

Desert Song- ( we started this song with a drum beat that came out of the previous song- very nice! this is one of those songs that you hear once, and you end up singing the rest of the day! "I will sing praise, I will sing praise, no weapons formed against me shall remain!")

How He Loves (we do more of the David Crowder version of this one, and we do it in C. I really like the version by Kim Walker of Jesus Culture, but sing-ability wise, she goes way to low on the verse for anyone with a normal range to sing along. But her voice can certainly handle it with a cool sound at that. She starts low, so she can 'belt' out the chorus an octave higher, the energy that effect creates is amazing- check out the Jesus Culture arrangement here)

Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone- (I, alto at best, did this one in D, and it works well for me, hope it worked for the congregation! :) )

Additional Worship Notes- We started the service with a meditative feel, rather than our typical greeting each other/announcement/welcome. I enjoyed the peacefulness of it, and the chance to take time to prayerfully enter the time of worship. Pastor asked me to look for some instrumental music. I did some searches for "christian instrumental" post rock, ambient. I didn't come up with anything really. How would one know if instrumental music was Christian or not anyway. (answer- you wouldn't) Either way, the search was fun, and I came across a couple bands that I had not heard of before, and would like to look into more- Foxhole, Mogwai. But low and behold, I actually came across the closest thing to the christian instrumental post-rock sound I was looking for in a band called Hammock. One of the members is familiar name from the Christian Worship scene- Marc Byrd (God of Wonders) Check out Hammock, with lots of full length samples of their music here Enjoy!

And... I had so much fun playing with our newer drummer Chris and new guitar player Bailey. Excellent musicians. Great time! Thanks guys!

This post is part of an interesting 'blog carnival' where you can read about other worship/music sets from all around the world. Check it out right here

Friday, October 9, 2009

Such Talent!

Check out this video of a talented group of young singers from Texas! Wow!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The music of my Youth

Music was an important part of my life growing up. My elementary years were filled with the sounds playing on my parents record player; I memorized most of the lyrics to all the records my folks had of The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, The Carpenters, Billy Joel, John Denver and... Barry Manilow!
The music I learned in church, Sunday school, Vacation bible school, and church camp (Camp Luther in Three Lakes, Wisconsin for me), has also remained with me over the years. I always loved any song that we could sing in a round or add harmony or a descant to! Seek Ye First, Sing Hallelujah to the Lord, Blind Man, For these Tears, Father I Adore You, the list goes on. I'd love to hear what music you most remember listening to in your elementary years. Post in the comment section below!

More than ever, I feel that the church as a whole, has a great opportunity to help give our kids the chance to explore their unique expressions in art and music. Schools are having to phase out their programs and parents don't have the money to pay for lessons. I'm sure each of us has our own stories about how music influenced us as we were growing up. Why couldn't that music influence come from the church?

Here are some great opportunities to help kids get involved in music around Immanuel :

Joyful Noise Children's Choir- for all 2nd-8th graders. we meet on Wednesday's during the school year, at Immanuel from 5:45-6:15. All are welcome anytime during the year!

On Tuesday October 20, at 6pm we will be starting the Jesus is the Rock Youth Band.
This group will meet on Tuesdays from 6pm-7pm.

We are looking for:

Musicians grades 6th-10th (guitar, electric guitar, drum set, bass and keyboards) at least 2 years of music lessons on your instrument will be helpful to being a part of this group.

We also have a wish list of items (new or used) that we could use to get us started:

Wish List

Small electronic keyboard
Full size electronic keyboard/synthesizer
Keyboard stands (2)
Small amplifier
Electric guitar
Portable cd player
Microphone stand
Music Stands (3 or 4)
Guitar stands (2 or 3)
Drum equipment (either cymbals and stands for an acoustic kit, or a small electronic set)


I have started on the Sunday School Hymn of the Month cd volume 2 and am looking for help. This cd will be a compilation of familiar Lutheran hymns that all children should know. Each year, for as many years as we can, we would like to record a new set of hymns, that the children and their families can have, that will allow them to become familiar with these hymns that they may otherwise rarely, or never get the chance to hear.Last year, Dan recorded, I arranged and played, Gina, Kristin, myself and Elyse from Joyful Noise sang on the cd. It was alot of fun to do, and the children have really enjoyed the cd. I would love to get even more people involved this year.

If you would be interested in any aspect of this really neat project, please let me know! The project needs to be completed by December 12th, so obviously time is of the essence, but I know we can do it!
To begin the project, I need arrangers. If you would like and have the ability to create an original arrangement to one (or more) of the hymns for this year (listed below) please choose one and get back to me in the next few days with your choice. (first come first serve) The only stipulations for the arrangement, is that the melody stick fairly close to the original, and that it use the lyrics to at least the 1st verse of the song. You may arrange in any style you would like, and can even add an original chorus or bridge. In interest of time, arrangements should be kept simple (1 or 2 instruments, 1 or 2 voices). We can add more to the recordings at a later date if there is time.

Here are the hymns for the Hymn of the Month Project Volume 2. (let me know if you would like any more info about the hymn- ie hymn #, tune name, or if you would like to have a hymnal to take home)

Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
For All the Saints
Now Thank We All our God
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
On My Heart Imprint Your Image
At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing
Holy, Holy, Holy
Now the Light Has Gone Away (Frank's already called this one- thank you frank!)

**Time is running short, if you would like to create a simple arrangement of one of these hymns, let me know as soon as possible.

I am also looking for someone interested in doing a recording of these hymn arrangements.

Happy Fall everyone!