Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day of Rest

So, its been almost 15 days or so, since I last posted...boy am I behind! Two Sundays worth of set lists, and 3 concerts, I have a lot of work to. Saddest thing is, I just may have lost the 3 people who may be reading this. Come back... please.

My excuse? None really, except a need to rest my brain a bit from work/music stuff

People often talk of being able to "leave work at work". I'm pretty sure this happens less often then people would let on. Years ago I worked at the Dove Ice Cream Factory, simply moving ice cream bars coming down a conveyor belt at an angle, I was the "ice cream bar straightener" the best job I could get as a summer temp. Simple as this job was I would have Laverne and Shirley type nightmares at night when I got home from the 12 hour shifts. A major Snicker's Ice Cream Bar Jam up would be at the center of these "nightmares".

Now, although these nightmares are a thing of the past, I still have a hard time leaving work at work. Being in a creative field such as the one I am in, it's hard to put a schedule to creativity, and I admire those who are able to do this, (if you do this well, please share your tips)! No matter how hard I try, round about 9pm- 12am (the creativity starts to kick in) and of course this is not just Mon- Friday, but Saturday and Sunday too.

The word Sabbath comes from the word Shabbat, which means "to cease", or as I see it... rest the brain. My prayer is that we all, worship leaders, Sunday morning volunteers, Dove Ice Cream Factory workers, can take a look at our busy, busy lives, and find that day of rest, that time to sit and enjoy God's creation, and to hear His voice, a day of rest that God asks us, and wants us to have.

1 comment:

  1. Good to read your thoughts again. Shabbat, I like that. You may hear my yelling this around my home. But I will definately try to give myself some Shabbat-ing and rest in Him.
