Sunday, May 24, 2009

Music for Sunday May 24th

Music at 10:00

Ever since we started our contemporary service, nearly 12 years ago, the keyboard player has been the band leader, and has driven the worship music during the services. This has worked out well, but its been nice over the last couple years to dive into more and more guitar driven songs and arrangements. This past Sunday I purposely did not schedule myself on keys, and let this weeks band go, and go they did! They sounded great! I really enjoyed hearing their original sounds that they created, without me banging away at the keys, and directing, the arrangements. Great job Scott, Dan, Frank, Kevin, Gina and choir!

Theme Verse- I John 5:9-17


One Way- by Joel Houston ( This was the first time at 10:00 for this song. I like the song, more for the great lyrics, and cool bridge, then anything. It sounded really nice in worship, but no matter how hard we try, this song always ends up sounding like a country song, rather than how Hillsong United problem though, lots of people love country! :) )

Call to Worship

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
You Are Holy Prince of Peace (hey! the guys are really startin to sing their part on this one! Woo hoo!)

After absolution

My Redeemer Lives (love, love, love the way the band sounds on this one)

During the offering

Jesus Loves Me- (yes, Jesus Loves me this I know for the bible tells me so!- the band did a great- hmm... countryish- arrangement of this song- awesome! the whole congregation was singing, and they rarely sing along on songs during the offering. nice.)


Lord Reign in Me

Notes- I scheduled myself at the sound board today, and really enjoyed it. Despite my limited knowledge of sound tech stuff, it's fun to be on the other side of everything, and I think its a good idea for all band (and choir members) to try it at some point or another.


Music at SANCTUARY1010

Don, Danny, Dustin, and Chris (welcome Chris!) a great new drummer, filling in for Dave, led worship at Sanctuary. Thanks guys!

Check out this link to planning center for this Sunday's set list.


This post is part of a blog carnival at Fred McKinnon's blog, check it out here to take a look at worship set lists from all around the world!


  1. It is always great to let the band go...

  2. I love how you talk about countrifying Hillsong's One I often think it has a bit of a country tinge when I've heard them do it live, but then not on any of their albums...even when they've done it live on the album. Strange. But it is a great song. Jesus is the only way :)

  3. "Jesus Loves Me" - yeah!!! I have been teaching through Francis Chan's Crazy Love in Sunday School and a few weeks ago, I had people sing this. After the first verse, I split the room in two, had people turn toward the center, and sing "Jesus Loves You" to each other...too cool!

    You Are Holy is one of our favs!

