Sunday, April 5, 2009

Music for Sunday April 5th

Today, in our final week of a series identifying with the people Jesus meets on the way to cross, we put our selves in the shoes of the Greeks, as outsiders, watching Jesus pass by on his way to Jerusalem from John 12:12-21.

I was scheduled to worship lead at Sanctuary today, and at the last minute (and I mean last minute) I asked my good friend Mia to join me, she said yes. We had a quick rehearsal this morning, and off we went. Spirit led, and heartfelt, worship was awesome. Thank you Mia, I hope we can sing together again soon!

Sanctuary Worship

We began the service with Stephen reading Psalm 115 in Hebrew, which I thought was really powerful


a time of confession and absolution and then...
What the Lord has done in Me- in C by Reuben Morgan (this is an old favorite over at north campus, but the first time I've used it at Sanctuary. It went well, and transitioned really nice into the chorus of:
Amazing Love/You are my King- in C

Words of Institution/prayer
How Deep the Father's Love for us- in D
Hosanna- in D by Brooke Fraser (I've only used this one one other time, but the people really sang out, especially on the chorus)

In fact the people really sang out on all the songs today which was a joy! Again thank yous to Mia, who has such an amazing way of engaging the congregation.

To close out the service we showed a video taking us from Palm Sunday through Good Friday, after which we sang an arrangement of O Sacred Head Now Wounded, a hymn that when arranged well can surprisingly translate into any worship setting.

10:00 service-

Kristin worship led, with some always excellent harmonies from Scott. The band sounded great at practice so I'm sure everything went well today.


pre service- You are Holy/Prince of Peace (although this is an older song, I'm bring it back in order to encourage the men to sing out more, since there is a separate part just for them...I can't tell if its working)

processional- Victory Chant (the Sunday School children processed in with palm branches and then sang a couple songs by themselves from the front)

Hosanna/Praise is Rising by Paul Baloche (new favorite of the congregation)

during offering-
All glory Laud and Honor- piano and guitar solo

during communion-
In Christ Alone
What the Lord Has Done in Me

We Will Glorify- (I bring this oldy but goody back almost every Palm Sunday. I change the last verse from ...Hallelujah to the King of Kings..., to ... Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings... Traditionally in the Lutheran church, we don't sing "hallelujahs" during Lent. I like the tradition of waiting until Easter Sunday to bring them back in celebration, but I don't really understand where the tradition came from, as I have also been told that since there are 40 days in Lent, each Sunday in Lent is a mini Easter. Oh Well!

Interested in what music other churches are doing? Check out Fred McKinnon's Blog, where over 80 people post there worship sets for the week.


  1. My joy to be at Sanctuary. I would be there all the time if I could. And, Yes, that is my understanding of Lent also, that "technically" you can sing them, but who dares. Apparently You. Way to step out in faith.

  2. I think Brooke's Hosanna was probably the number one song used this Palm Sunday. Great song!
